For our Brisbane home sleep study appointments, we use two types of equipment:  the Embletta MPR and the Alice PDX.

Both are devices for portable diagnosis of sleep breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea used by sleep labs, office-based doctors and home care providers. They provide for a 12 -16 lead channel study and are easy for the sleep technician to set up for the patient’s use in the comfort and privacy of their home.

Embletta MR

Alice PDx

The Alice PDX and the Embletta MR satisfy international portable testing requirements (for eg. A.A.S.M.levels II, III and IV) and provides capabilities of basic screening to advanced diagnostic evaluation.

Some of the features that make them ideal for medical professionals and patients include portability, ease of use, and accurate results. They are compact machines that can be easily transported from one location to another. Weighing not more than 1.6 kg make them ideal for use in both clinic and field settings.